Our products have been implemented and applied to customers on various industries especially on Banking and Insurance industries. However, our products have been designed to fit to any of the industry. Do contact us for more information about any of our products.
An integrated web based platform to manage all the risks management practices as well as the internal processes within the bank.
With 2 (two) major items of Enterprise Risks and Operational Risks Managements running in a single platform, the conventional process was totally transformed into a digital experiences with faster and better accuracy.
An integrated web based platform to manage the RBBR within Bank Mandiri and all its subsidiaries companies.
With full configurable platform that enables the user to manage all the workflows, subsidiaries companies, risks profiles templates and others, we ensure that our product can be used independently for a better experiences within the team.
A web based customer portal to allow product test submissions and to check results online from either web or mobile devices.
Reporting allows for clients to be automatically informed of any important results and flexible software architecture to allow multiple clients with differing requirements to be managed securely by the same portal application.
User-friendly and interactive marketing platform assisting insurance agents for quick and integrated results.
Directly integrate with core insurance system resulting in real-time serving of information to the agents. This is further accompanied by advanced features such as binary tree structures, photo upload and etc.
A web-based ticketing management system allowing the patrons to search, reserve and pay for theater tickets in 24x7. Capability for drag-and-drop seat management and fully integrate with online payment gateway allowing seamless and smooth user experiences towards the system. Back-end system that directly integrates with thermal printer.
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